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Monday, November 9, 2015

Adoption Puzzle Fundraiser

We are so excited about the PUZZLE FUNDRAISER! The symbolism is just so beautiful! This is how it works:

1. We bought a 1,000 piece puzzle that will fit perfectly into her bedroom decor!

2. Individuals can "sponsor" a piece of the puzzle by making a donation toward the adoption. As each sponsor donates, their name is written on the back of a puzzle piece.

3. In the end it will serve as the most precious visual reminder to our daughter and us for the rest of our lives who was a piece of her puzzle bringing her home to us!

4. When all the pieces have been sponsored we will put it together with the boys and have it framed with glass on both sides and hang it in her bedroom. She can look at the back and see the name of everyone who donated and was a huge part of making it possible to be part of our forever family!

5. We are selling each piece for $20 dollars. You can choose to buy 1,2,3 or 10! There is no limit!

6. If you do not want to donate online you can email me at mrsswaggs@gmail.com for our address and send a check in the mail.


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